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To Danfield's last 5 rumour replies
13 Dec 2021 00:29:43
They should get rid of all the discretionary rules and appoint a panel to inure they are followed or risk losing what little credibility is left. It very annoying because it could be so great.
12 Dec 2021 18:53:11
Let's try having clear and enforced rules first.
12 Dec 2021 17:46:21
It was like watching WWF. The people responsable should be unemployed, it's made a mockery of the sport.
{Ed001's Note - it will be interesting to see how they wriggle out of the Mercedes protest, as they clearly broke their own rules. What is the point in having them if the organisers are going to ignore them? I mean if they can ignore them, there is nothing to stop the teams ignoring them.}
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